We take all threats seriously and protect all Hungarian citizens

We take all threats seriously and protect all Hungarian citizens

“Unfortunately, migration has caused terrible threats to be a regular fact in Europe,” said Bence Retvari in his last video published on the social media page of the Hungarian government.

Mr. Retvari declared that it is not just Hungarian schools They have faced threats, since there have also been similar incidents in the schools of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, France, Germany and Austria in recent months.

The vice minister recalled numerous incidents in which migrants attacked peaceful Europeans with knives, firearms or even brought vehicles to Christmas markets, committing acts of terrorism in other ways.

Deputy Minister of Interior, Mr. Retvari, emphasized:

We take all threats seriously. We will protect all Hungarian citizens, and we will not meet Brussels’s demands to reassure migrants.

Mr. Retvari added that Brussels has been attacking Hungary for years because the Hungarian government refuses to reassure migrants.

During the last ten years, when Hungary continued to protect the external borders of the EU, he did not receive a single support of Brussels support. On the other hand, as punishment, Hungary received a coercive fine of 1 million euros per day to safeguard the borders. ”

– The vice minister stood out.

The opposition plays from the Brussels Hymns Sheet

Mr. Retvari called particularly scandalous that the Hungarian opposition, “playing from the Brussels Shet anthem,” unanimously supports the great coalition of Brussels, from the Democratic Coalition (DK) to the Tisza Party. He explained: “There is a great coalition in Brussels with respect to the migration pact and migration policies, with the European people party, liberals, green and socialists who demand the implementation of the pact.”

– “And unfortunately, Hungarian politicians and delegates belonging to these parties, either by DK or Tisza, vote in favor of proposals that allocate additional resources to implement the migration pact, thus accelerating its application,” said the politician.

Brussels would like a puppet government in Hungary, full of their proven and proven politicians who act as voting machines in Brussels, approving each migration proposal without resistance. These politicians do not want

– Mr. Retvari declared.

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