The jury members at the Mohammed Osman Khan Murder trial showed Impeccion images say it was stabbed until death

The jury members at the Mohammed Osman Khan Murder trial showed Impeccion images say it was stabbed until death

The first afternoon of the trial, in Wolverhampton Crown Court, in which Annib Khan is accused of fatally stabbing Mohammed Osman Khan in a house in Buffery Road, Dudley on June 21 last year he saw a police officer in the cross -case .

Mohammed Osman Khan
Mohammed Osman Khan

Detective agent David Bodenham played images of the confrontation outside the house, only 30 minutes after the two faced each other in the Netherton Islamic Trust’s parking lot and had to separate.

Under interrogation by the lawyer of the prosecution Kevin Hegarty Kc, the officer showed images of the incident outside the mosque, and then the alleged fatal stabbing around 3.53 pm

Mr. Hegarty said: “The stabbed footage shows someone whom the officer identifies how Annib Khan clearly pushing someone who identifies how his uncle Mohammed Osman Khan towards his truck, with a large knife in his right hand.”

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