The long distance boyfriend tries to plan the surprise: it goes hilariously bad

The long distance boyfriend tries to plan the surprise: it goes hilariously bad

TO Tiktok The video has gone viral after showing a surprise of a long -distance relationship that, although well intentional, took a turn for the unexpected.

Lena Huynh, 21, published a shorten From his terrified reaction to see his long distance boyfriend standing in his room one day before he was destined to arrive. Since the video was published, you have received more than 3.6 million like and more than 6,300 comments. Huynh told him Newsweek About the hilarious encounter and why seeing her boyfriend was the last thing she expected.

“When your long distance boyfriend tries to surprise you, but you thought there was a random man in your room,” Huynh subtitled the video. The show walking to his room, letting a terrified cry escape and then falling to the floor.

Lena Huynh on her video Tiktok
Lena Huynh is seen in her video Tiktok.


Hyunh said he had spent the day processing an organic chemistry exam and waited a quiet night before meeting with her boyfriend the next day. What she did not anticipate was her boyfriend, who had secret several hours to surprise her, waiting for her in her room holding a bouquet of flowers.

“I initially shouted, and my brain realized that I was my boyfriend, so I felt relieved and dropped the floor,” Hyunh said. “In my brain, I was differentiating between my boyfriend, a random man, my roommates or some random ghost.”

Hyunh shared more about the surprise, revealing that her boyfriend had been sending her text messages and pretending that she was going to bed early to make the trip to visit her the next morning. The couple had not seen in a month.

“My boyfriend hung the call from nothing and said he had to leave. I assumed it was a work call,” said Huynh. “No one is in my room, so I would never expect to see a figure humanly in my room!”

But the surprise was not just about the early visit. Hyunh’s boyfriend had also coordinated with his roommates to make sure the surprise shot without problems.

“The surprise was removed by sending text messages to my roommates Instagram To open the door the day before, “he said.

Although The initial clashThe surprise turned out to be a moving moment. Hyunh’s boyfriend not only appeared early, but also asked him to be Valentine’s Day and gave him an early birthday gift.

While her time together was short, Hyunh said that she already loved her boyfriend, playing pickleball, studying together and enjoying sushi in the city. “We always do the best of that,” he added.

In the end, despite the scream induced by panic, Hyunh agreed that the surprise was worth it, proof that sometimes, the best surprises are the ones that take you completely unsuspecting.

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