People left ‘terrified’ of deep waters after the man takes camera at the bottom of the ocean at midnight – animals

People left ‘terrified’ of deep waters after the man takes camera at the bottom of the ocean at midnight – animals

The diving of deep sea is not for heart weak, so most people go well.

But if you want to discover What happens after dusk At the bottom of the sea without going to the water, you are in luck.

Barny Dillarstone diver and filmmaker camera Together with him while exploring the depths of the ocean in Amed, Bali, in November last year.

Even so, it is not as if he had his recording team in his person was a rare occurrence, since the content creator regularly shares videos of his ‘dropping the barley camera in remote reefs around the Indo-Pacific’.

The footage has left the 'terrified' spectators of the depths of the sea (Getty Stock Image)

The footage has left the ‘terrified’ spectators of the depths of the sea (Getty Stock Image)

As a self -proclaimed ‘lover of all things that swim’, Barny is constantly hunting ‘crazy ocean creatures‘.

But the images of his immersion in Amed under the cover of darkness have managed to “terrorize” and surprise a large number of their subscribers, thanks to the series of unusual marine animals with which he ran into the way.

Barny explained that he went out at midnight in the hope of discovering what strange And wonderful creatures emerge at the time of witches.

“It is very fun to look at the dark at night, because there could be something out there,” he told the camera. “We are going to crawl to see what is on the stalking in the reef when the lights are appointed.”

Barny admitted that

Barny admitted that “barely saw” the scorpion fish covered under him, since he was camouflaged so well (YouTube/Barnydillarstone)

He Youtuber He tripped into species that many people have never heard, as well as the usual inhabitants of the ocean, such as blue stripes, corné fish with ‘crazy colors’ and a lion fish ‘absolutely monstrous’.

Although he enjoyed seeing the incredible places of interest, Barny admitted that “being here only for midnight is quite spooky,” while saying that he could scalloprally see “shadows that came out next to him in the distance.”

At one point, Barny ran into a venarian edge scorpion fish, also known as scorpaenopsis oxycephalus, which has the ability to paralyze or even kill humans.

“Super camouflaged, I barely saw him,” said the diver of the marine creature. “He is a big boy … you wouldn’t want to chop you. That is a great grumpy scorpion fish.

“Oh, and just by his side, we have a surgeon fish and a parrot fish under this choral table. They only rest, trying to avoid sharks like me.”

The video showed Barny and then went to his second immersion 24 hours later, but this time he was looking for a boat accident, as well as some interesting underwater characters.

People were stunned when an eel of honeycomb from the remains (YouTube/Barnydillarstone) emerged)

People were stunned when an eel of honeycomb from the remains (YouTube/Barnydillarstone) emerged)

“I think it’s here somewhere, but I’m honest, it’s completely black and I have no idea,” he said about the ruins. “And I’m surrounded by stripes.”

He found the remains quite quickly while seeing some “fantastic” things along the way, including a “disk clam”, which explained that they are “famous for their ability to produce an intermittent light screen.”

Things soon became more dangerous, since Barny’s next guest really surprised the spectators.

A Moray Panal Anguilla, which obtains its name from the black spots that cover its white yellow body, which resembles a honeycomb, emerged from the skeleton of the ship that lay at the bottom of the ocean.

These are known to be nocturnal and lonely, in addition to having a powerful bite, so it is not surprising that one took the farmer by surprise when he suddenly left the small crack.

The coconut octopus showed its strange skill (YouTube/Barnydillarstone)

The coconut octopus showed its strange skill (YouTube/Barnydillarstone)

The final marine creature that surprised the guests was the coconut octopus, which also has a poisonous bite that can quickly paralyze their prey.

However, it was the ‘famous ability’ that showed the ‘fascinating species’ that managed to leave the mouths of people in par, instead of their fear factor.

These marine animals have the strange capacity to ‘run through the bottom’ of the ocean bottom, which really is a show for the view, and even the barn commented: “How strange!”

The spectators were stunned by the footage, in addition to being surprised by Barny’s ‘courage’ for going underwater so late at night.

One commented: “You have to be really brave to do this because that is absolutely scary.”

Another wrote: “What a spooky video! Being there alone alone at night must be a crazy experience, thanks for sharing that with us. I would probably scare me half of the time.”

A third added: “Dying alone? You are a playmate! The coconut octopus is great, no doubt.”

A room said: “Literally all my phobias in a video.”

And a fifth intervened: “This is amazing.”

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