How to revive in the repository

How to revive in the repository

Knowing how to revive in the repository is extremely important because you can save your team a restart. While dying in itself is diabolically easy in this monstrous horror game, the revivating mechanic comes with some warnings. If an encounter with a local monstrosity is fatal, you must wait for your teammates to collect their remains (and steal the place) or reappear extremely low HP, which does not improve exactly its survival possibilities. Therefore, this guide will show how to relive teammates in the repository, preferably with a health impulse, and what are the consequences not to relive a teammate.

How to relive teammates in Repo

The chiefs of fallen players are used to relive in the repository of horror games.

(Image credit: semiWork)

If a repo player perishes after an encounter with one of the many game monsters, his robot character disassembles, turning them into a ‘broken’. This player will not be able to do anything until they are revived or the game is over, and that includes talking, since the broken ones are excluded from the voice chat in the game.

To relive a teammate, the most important thing you will need is The player’s headWhat should be returned to the extraction point. You must find your head somewhere near the location of your teammate’s disappearance; Open the map (Press tab) and look for a point of the same color as the character of the fallen teammate, showing his last location. The image above provides an example of how the remains of a beheaded repository are. When you have found your head, pray it (like any other element) and leave it on the extraction platform.

Arrows that point to the loot quota and the extraction platform in the repository of horror games.

(Image credit: semiWork)

Unfortunately, this will not revive the teammate yet, since it is also necessary Get to the loot share. Continue adding loot to the extraction platform (see the arrow on the left) until the total value coincides with the quota shown in the upper right of the screen (right arrow). With a bigger Repo equipment sizeRevives should be much easier to achieve.

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